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Black Student Alliance

Black Student Alliance

Since 1978 the Black Student Alliance has sought to promote a greater spirit of community at Virginia Tech.

Group of students involved in BSA smiling for a photo

Semester Events

SINCE 1978

The Black Student Alliance has sought to promote a greater spirit of community at Virginia Tech


No. We encourage people from all backgrounds to join our organization and participate in our events.

The Black Organizations Council (BOC) serves as an umbrella organization and resource body for Black organizations at Virginia Tech as well as an advocate for the Black community. They serve as a liaison between the Black community, university organizations, and university administration. The Black Student Alliance (BSA) is program board that exists to provide outlets for entertainment and education about Black culture and the Black experience at Virginia Tech.

With the exception of our larger shows, our events have no admission costs. Our funding is provided by the student activity fee and so we do our best to only charge admission when absolutely necessary.

We have a form that you can fill out here. We'll take a look at the proposal and get back to you.

Leadership positions: We currently do not have any open leadership positions at this time.

Join our general body: We are always looking for new members to join BSA. Our general body meetings happen monthly and are a great way to meet other students and give input on our events. Looking to join? Send us an email ( and we’ll get you connected to the family.

Email list: Click the "Sign Up" button to recieve the Edutainment Newsletter which contains information about upcoming events, meetings, and ways to get involved. We promise not to spam your inbox.

Collab with Us

Interested in partnering with BSA for an event? Click the button below to read about our criteria for collaborations and to fill out our request form.



Get Involved

Email us below to get added to the Edutainment Newsletter which contains information about upcoming events, meetings, and ways to get involved. We promise not to spam your inbox.

Office Hours

 If you have any questions in regards to BSA, make sure you stop by our office in Squires 125!

BSA Executive Board Office Hours